Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A few of my favorite things

I was so focused on racial and economic issues in my last post that I totally forgot to include this video of my host in Santa Fe trying to teach me how to cook with fire:

Heh, anyway, I arrived in Denver, CO at 10:30am on Wednesday March 24th, about 12 hours later than planned due to a pretty intense snow storm. My host and I continued north to Boulder, where the two feet of snow which had covered Colorado the night before was already mostly melted due to the elevation and the sudden 60 degree weather. This meteorological tendency combined with the beautiful landscape, friendly liberals, and prevalence of good breweries makes Boulder a utopian paradise to me.

Enjoying a growler of beer from the Mountain Sun Pub & Brew.

On Thursday March 25th, I got a haircut at the Lather Salon. This might not sound particularly interesting, but indulge me this retelling:

WOMEN BEHIND THE FRONT DESK: So you're ten minutes early, would you like a beer or glass of wine or anything?
ME: ...yes. Um, the wine. What's the minimum purchase for using a credit card?
WBTFD: Oh, it's on us.
ME: Oh! I - cool.
WBTFD: Well, it's not the best wine in the world or anything, but it's good chilled.
ME: Awesome. Um, is that a Wii?
ME: ...can I play it?
WBTFD: That's what it's there for!

Lather Salon in Boulder, CO.

Did I mention that my haircut cost $35? And they did a good job, too:

The crazy part is that my cousin who I'm currently staying with in San Francisco is friends with the woman who owns and runs the Lather Salon (I had no idea of this until after I'd already arrived in California).

In any case, as my stay in Boulder was unfortunately brief, here are some picks from the Colorado portion of the 32 hour train ride from Denver, CO to Emeryville, CA:

In my next post, I'll explore the Bay Area of California.

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